Monday, April 25, 2011

The History of Golf Fashion

By Jazmin Pando

Through the years golf fashion has evolved and changed in everything from color to shape, but the one thing that never changes is it’s distinct awkwardness with a hint of ugly. From it’s beginnings in 1700 through the 1800’s golfers wore kilts and animal skins; given no actual pictures exist it is possible they wore attire like the one pictured bellow.

Rawrrr so abnormally sexy.

Soon came the 1900’s and with it appeared an era of frigid and uptight golf clothing. Players often wore long trousers and full morning jackets with ties; hence, matching their stick up their butt attitudes. The women were not left behind, they too dressed extremely conservative, in fact their main goal was to look as similar to men as possible.

"Woooooa just look at those legs!
Mission accomplished ladies you look like dudes."

If by this point you’re thinking it couldn’t possibly get any worse, you are wrong from the 1960 to present day golf fashion has turned into a plethora of flashy colors and exceptionally tacky color combinations. Mixing stripes, with plaid, and looking as stupid as you possibly can is a must. Worrying about the clothing being flattering is pointless, for every golfer is a sexy golfer clearly.

So how did this fashion worthy of the runways begin?
Golfers such as Jack Nicklaus, Nick Faldo and Seve Ballesteros, recklessly began sporting exuberant colors, which became popular in sweaters, trousers, socks and polos. The colors included bright pinks, blues, oranges and yellows. YUCK!
Our only hope now is that Tiger Woods being the trendsetter that he is, starts wearing boxer briefs to tournaments, now wouldn’t that be fun?,29307,1813195,00.html

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