Monday, April 18, 2011

An Interview with Whitey

By George Atabaev

For today’s blog entry, I conducted an interview with Whitey O'malley, the man who built Saddleback straight from the ground up. His initial idea of building a golf course has turned into an unbelievable reality. Saddleback is one of the most pristine golf courses in the state of Colorado. The building process began in 1998 and the course opened in 2001. Let’s just say Whitey did not get much time practicing golf during this period of time. To say the least, Whitey is quite the character. Let’s get to know the General Manager of Saddleback Golf Course.
I Asked….

Q: What would be your first question to the people of Antarctica?
A: “Exactly what the hell are you doing here?”

Q: Tell me how many hats you have in your home? 

A: 10

Q: What do you often eat for your breakfast?
A: “Oatmeal man, lots of oatmeal, I’m getting old you know!”

Q: Which is your favorite language other than your native language?

A: “Russian.” (Good answer to give to a Russian interviewer)

Q: Mention some incidents when you laughed yourself out?
A: ….Long pause…. “We can keep this rated-R right?” Yes, Whitey
….longer pause…. “I only have rated-X, next question.”

Q: If I take a look inside your refrigerator what would I find?
A: “Lack of beer. Ha! Lots of beer in there when I was younger. Now there are Greek vegetables and yogurt.”

Q: What will your first thought be when you had learnt that you won a lottery?

A: “Who do I not tell?”

Q: So in reality, what is the best way to get the killer deals on golf and golf products at Saddleback?
A: “Honestly? Robbie’s email blasts. We have a great course with a funny just let-our-hair-down type atmosphere in the pro shop. I defy anybody in the state of Colorado or the United States in America to bring an email that is as clever and well written as our emails. Our emails should be on late night T.V. They are PG-13 at best, but closest to rated R.

Q: I have read some of these emails that walk the fine line. What kind of feedback do customers give you?
A: “Oh we have lots of people complain. But it kind of goes something like this, George: I get a complaint and I go and increase the email list by 100. We try to walk that fine line, but we don’t always succeed.”


  1. Love the interview, George. Your blog looks great! Especially the post about the sizzling golfers/models.

  2. Oh that was Jazmin's post, I will let her know you liked it! Thanks for the feedback Grayson!

  3. Wow George! This looks amazing so far! Whitey sounds like the most interesting man in the world, similar to the dos equis guy. Ha Whitey would probably love to have some dos equis in his refrigerator! Your an amazing blogger and I really hope you keep this up. I hope you love my feedback and much as I love reading your blog. This is GREAT!!!!

  4. Branden it makes me happy you're so enthusiastic about the Saddleback blog. I bet you would love the golf course too!
