By Jazmin Pando
As summer approaches and kids prepare to spend three long months away from school, parents begin to tremble in agony and anxiety. But before you bust out the Xanax, and surrender to the mercy of your little monster reconsider your options. Enrolling your child in a Junior golf club or even just getting them involved with golf activities, will not only benefit your child but also your sanity. Given this, here are ten reasons why to get your kid involved with golf:
1. It will get them moving and off their lazy butts, and considering that one out of every three parents reading this blog have a tubby tot it is not a bad idea. (
2. It will get them out of the house and away from you for a period of time, and just maybe you can relax for a moment or two.
3. They will make new friends.
4. They will acquire a better understanding of the game, but there are no guarantees on acquiring better skills (some kids are just athletically challenged).
5. Your kid may be the next Tiger Woods. Hopefully, without the 11 floozies.
6. You can rub it in your snotty neighbors face when your kid kicks his kids butt.
7. There are many college scholarships available for young golfers. Like the Eisenhower-Evans Scholarship. This means less money out of your wallet.
8. They will have fun, and create funtastic memories!
9. They will probably reduce their drug and alcohol intake.
10. Did I mention they would be out of your hands for at least a couple hours?
Wow got me thinking now about taking my grandson golfing this summer